Paulina m.

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Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile

Über Paulina m.


Hi! my name is Paulina and I’m 31 years old. I love travel for different countries and meet different people! I usually travel alone because my friends aren’t available for travel without a return date. In September of this year (2018) I will begin a big journey traveling for Australia for a least a year, after that It’s not clear yet so my destinations and dates are very flexible! I have a lot of experience about taking care a house, plants and especially pets, I do this for my friends and family.
I love animals of all kind! During my childhood my family had ducks, cats, dogs, hamsters, rabbits, frogs… so as you can tell I don’t have problems taking care of any kind of pets and get my hands dirties.
I’m very reliable, organized and hardworking person. I’m very interested in do Home-sitting not only because of me but although because of you… I know for my own experience how difficult could be trying to go on vacation and don’t have someone to take care your pet or home.
If you need more information about me, let me know…. Thanks!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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