Dror n.

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Rosh Haayin, Center District, Israel

Über Dror n.

39 Jahre alt | Financial consultant

We are Inbar and Dror 33 years old, traveling with our two lovely kids, Ye’ela (3) and Ido (1).
We are very tidy, non-smokers and most important both of us grew up around animals. we have vast experience with pets and farm animals. And we understand your need for warm and loving care for your pets. We will be delighted to care for your home and pets with great love as if they were ours.

I (Dror) am a financial consultant. I grew up in my family’s farm, where I cared for the herds of goats and sheep. I have vast experience with feeding and nurturing, helping them deliver, milking etc. I am also familiar with chickens, cats and dogs.

Inbar is a social worker and a teacher. Since childhood cared for lost or sick animals – dogs, cats, fish, anyone who needed help. As a married couple we were a foster home for over 14 dogs and 11 cats. For most of them we found new loving homes, and to those we couldn't find a home – they stayed with us. We have two fish, two funny cats and an old sweet dog.

Our children grow up with animals and have animals surrounding them in our home, at their grandparent's house and farm and in their kindergarten.

We love meeting new people and discover new cultures, and we were blessed to travel in more than 20 different countries so far. We want to give our children the opportunity to travel the world, meet new people and take care of pets.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Inbar, 39 Jahre alt, Social worker & teacher, Ehepartner / Partner
Yeela, 9 Jahre alt, None, Kind
Eido, 7 Jahre alt, None, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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