Rait m.

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Leeds, England, United Kingdom

Über Rait m.

30 Jahre alt | Self-employed

I am 23, born in a small part of the World called Estonia.
Currently I have been working and living in Leeds, UK. First 2 years I was part of a company called Home Bargains and I reached Supervisor on management level and then I realised that life is too short to work for someone else's dreams.
My dream in life is to see as much of the World as possible and I know that Nomador is right place where to start from.
I love animals and currently I am feeling that it is one of the biggest things I am missing out on. I know that taking care of someone else's pets isn't the same as having your own, but as I prefer to travel. It isn't ideal for owning a pet. But it is ideal of having time to take care of pets around the World.
I am also a photography enthusiast, guitar player, blogger and book warm in a futuristic way(can't carry too may books on the way)
I love to chat and it is easy to be around me, animals love my company and I haven't seen an animal not wanting to be friends with me.
I don't have any special needs and I am physically fit and well. I love some good bike ride and jogging. That's why dogs usually love me the most, although I am a cat person.

If you need someone who is reliable, on time and don't mess around. Then you have found a good match. Eventually, as I don't expect to be the first profile you have been checking.

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