Alyssa g.

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Del Rio, Texas, United States

Über Alyssa g.

36 Jahre alt | Self Employed

We are a family of 2 - Alyssa and 8 year old son, Enzo. We are currently living in Sacred Valley of Peru in search of opportunities and adventure around the world. We are looking forward to the excitement of traveling the world a little bit at a time, and if we can help and learn while we do it, even better!

We currently own and operate our own businesses. We have a marketing company that helps businesses and entrepreneurs bring their brands to life through web design, graphic design, social media marketing, branding, etc. We also own a vegan restaurant in the Sacred Valley of Peru- Garden of Vegan.

Alyssa has a Bachelors Degree in Communication Studies and Advertising. Enzo, is a great kid. Extremely helpful, happy, loving and well-mannered. He is very sharp and always willing to help out and try new things.

We are looking forward to traveling, meeting new people and learning about new cultures, people and places. We are strong, capable and willing workers. We're quick learners, honest, trustworthy, healthy and happy people.

We can't wait to meet you, your fur-babies and share some adventures!
Alyssa & Enzo

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Enzo, 13 Jahre alt, Student, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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