Ignacio s.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Ignacio s.

41 Jahre alt | Musician, Teacher

Hi! We are a responsible, reliable couple from Spain, who loves traveling and meeting new people.
We love animals and we are well accustomed to domestic pets such as dogs, cats, fishes, birds and reptiles.

We are offering ourselves as house sitters, since we work as freelancers and have plenty of time to look after you house and pets. We are a professional couple who enjoys having a simple and quiet life.

We are fluent in English and Spanish and also can speak some French and Italian.

Maria: I'm a professional graphic designer and filmmaker who runs her own business since 2012.
I've worked for some of the biggest names in my field. Recently, I've been also making my own films and documentaries such as 'The Earth's Curvature'. I was born and raised in a beautiful cottage in the North of Spain surrounded by nature and animals of all kind.
I love northern landscapes, running, tea, gardening, singing and reading.

Simon: I've been teaching music and recording for over ten years as Al Berkowitz. I have two master degrees in Psychology and Musicology. I play guitar, piano and some other instruments.
I love writing, cooking, watching films and hiking. I consider myself a humble handyman and can do some home repairs.

Please feel free to ask us for information, references and whatever you want to know about us. We are looking forward to meeting you and helping you with your house and pets!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
María del Recuerdo, 33 Jahre alt, Graphic Designer, Musician, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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