Stephanie c.

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Über Stephanie c.

30 Jahre alt | Teacher / Personal Care Assistant

We are a young professional couple who is traveling Europe to learn new experiences and see the beauty of this world! We are a non-smoking, active, chill kind of a couple who absolutely loves animals and enjoys the comfort of being "homebodies". We have been married for five years and have two fur babies named Pumpkin (a special needs, half blind kitty) and Nemo (a grumpy but loveable furball). During our travels, our cats will be able to stay with my in-laws (which I am so grateful for)!


I am Stephanie, a twenty-three year old who just graduated with her bachelor's in Psychology. During the school year, I work as a personal care assistant for children with special needs. I also do side work as an online English teacher. I will be taking my teaching on the road with me so I would love to stay at a house with reliable wifi.

I have spent my whole life around animals, including dogs, cats, small animals like hamsters and gerbils, fish, and even birds. To say I love animals is an understatement! I understand the importance of how animals are not just our pets, but our family members as well. I have also spent about 2 years assisting in cleaning commercial and residential buildings... plus I take pride in being the "neat freak" in my own home.

My husband is Andrew and he is twenty four years old. He works as a group supervisor for school age children at a not-for-profit organization. He has about 4 years background experience of working in cleaning residential and commercial buildings as well. Andrew has grown up around lots of pets. He has taken care of dogs, cats, lizards, fish, ducks, and chickens. It was like a petting zoo at his home! 

Why We Want to House Sit:

We boldly took a month off of our jobs to see a few different places in Europe, something we have dreamed of for so long! We will be ending our travels in Europe at my brother in laws house who is in the Air Force. I have studied a few languages and have been dying to see the places I have seen in my textbooks. After purchasing the tickets this past December to go to Europe this summer, it is finally becoming a reality. House sitting will allow us to save up some of our funds and use it on worth while experiences! It will also allow us to keep a stable home routine and enjoy the company of other people's pets since we cannot obviously travel with our own. It is a win-win for everyone involved!

What Can We Bring to the Assignment?

Andrew and I both have

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Andrew, 31 Jahre alt, Group Supervisor, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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