Jeemin justine h.

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New York, New York, United States

Über Jeemin justine h.

52 Jahre alt | Hospitality & Management

Hello, I have been working in the Hospitality and Restaurant industry in Los Angeles and New York for the past 18 years. I have also been an Estate Manager for high profile families in Los Angeles. Currently I am fulfilling life dreams, including world travel and exploration. I have house sat for a variety of different families and couples across a spectrum of different home types and pets. I have a tremendous amount of attention to detail and handle stressful situations with focus and professionalism. I take care of homes as I would my own and have an innate ability to take care of others in a way they cannot take care of themselves. I honor honestly, kindness and compassion among others. When hiring employees I would always require personal components such as trust, reliability, dedication, commitment, flexibility and loyalty. I embody all of the above and much more.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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