Angel R.

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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Über Angel R.

53 Jahre alt | worldclass health and energy coach

DO you inspire to go away and know everything will be great while your away---we can do lots of selfies and send you -- I am A World Class Health and Energy Coach (specialize in Complex Trauma and Addiction Behaviors (IN HUMANS AND YOUR FUR BABIES anf house and oet sat all over the world USA EUROPE AUSTRALIA SOUTH AMERICA - -I am vegan and environmentally awake ARE you ? I am Addicted to Personal Development education and Growth and i find that traveling is a great interest to me being free to do so -I am totally a health nut and walk alot so your babies will get plenty of exercise --i dont watch TV I know i am boring -i would rather spend time doing than watching --dont smoke -dont drink -dont party -clean neat and organized --mmm what else can i say i love snuggles with your babies and i talk to them alot too -- --animals are human too you know ---i know you know --if you want your home safe and your babies loved and cared for well you can contact me -- MY adult son and i have teamed up together to sit he is experienced with animals as well also medications for animals references available in USA and Australia --blessings Angel and Ben

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Arabisch | Englisch | Spanisch

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