Lynda t.

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Seattle, Washington, United States

Über Lynda t.

41 Jahre alt | Interior Designer and business coach

My husband and I are Seattle,WA natives currently on a 5 month adventure exploring the world with nothing but a few small backpacks! This comes after three years in Seattle caring for our 100 year old grandfather (and his three bedroom house and our dog) and we are looking for a house sitting match where we can set roots for a few weeks and months before we return home mid June. Are you the match for us? We would love to help you!

A bit about usd we weee both born and raised in Seattle and now live there (I spent 10 years in Boston and New York City). We both speak English and Spanish (I spend a year of my studies in South America and the Carribean). We are well traveled, courteous, responsible, and amenable people. We are also avid pet lovers (we left our 12 year old pit mix dog with family while we are away and miss him dearly! We love spending time with the pets of our various homestays in this journey, both cats and dogs).

We are looking for a house sitting arrangements from 3 weeks to 6 weeks between end of April to Mid June 2018, ideally in Asia or Oceania (New Zealand or Australia) as we are already in the area. Our exact dates are flexible and would love to work out something that works for you as well. We are both well experienced with dogs and cats and don’t mind tending to a garden and house while we are there too.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Taylor, 42 Jahre alt, Self-employed , Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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