Colleen o.

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Bend, Oregon, United States

Über Colleen o.

57 Jahre alt | Emergency Medical Professional

We are a very active couple who love the outdoors, hiking, biking, kayaking, etc.  We LOVE animals of all types but dogs are our absolute favourite!  We lost the last of our 4 furbabies in October of 2017.  We really miss having our own pets but are taking some time to travel before adopting more.  We COMPLETELY understand how stressful it is to leave your little buddies when you believe no one will love and care for them like you do! 

We will do our very best to make sure your pets are cuddled, loved, exercised, well fed and happy.  Animals bring such joy to us!

We are new to being "official" housesitters and have decided to do this to facilitate seeing more of the world as residents instead of visitors staying in a hotel and out of touch from the real life of an area.  Having animals to enjoy it with is an extra bonus!

About us:

I am an Emergency Medical Practitioner and work for several months at at a time in remote places around the world.  This allows me to be off for more than 6 months of the year.  Of course this means I am able to handle emergencies as well as any health related issues with your pets such as giving medications, shots, etc.

Being the owner of several homes, I am familiar with home maintenance and repair and handling household emergencies that inevitably come up.  

My partner has a small technical recruiting firm and requires occasional internet access but is otherwise very flexible and mobile.

We don't smoke and drink only occasionally.  We're long past looking for "nightlife" and are happier to have the serenade of rustling leaves and night critters than music and parties!

We speak English and some Spanish.

We are definitely more comfortable in small towns, remote areas and the country side but could do short stays in more populated / city areas.

We would love to travel mostly by train and bicycle but may consider buying a vehicle or renting one occasionally. 

We look forward to meeting you and taking care of your pets and home!


Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Betsy, 53 Jahre alt, Recruiter, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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