Lydia p.

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SF, California, United States

Über Lydia p.

59 Jahre alt | digital marketer


My name is Lydia. I am a professional woman in her 50's. I was born in Holland but have lived most of my life in the US, and currently reside in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have travelled extensively for short trips but now I would like to stay in one place a bit longer. I absolutely love staying in other peoples homes and I love the relationships that often times develops from housesitting.

I am a big walker/hiker and love to be near the hub of activity. I prefer to go off the beaten path and truly experience the city/town that I am in. I like to explore new cultures and surroundings. I am into music, art, film and the outdoors. I love life, I love to explore and I love good food (I am vegan). I also love animals. I grew up with cats and dogs and have always had them as part of my life since I was a young girl. My own pets live long and happy lives with me and couldn't imagine my life without a cat or dog as they have been my constant companions.

As a guest/housesitter I am very responsible, super clean and will leave your home in perfect condition and your pet will be well loved and taken care of ! I appreciate it when property owners leave information about their pets, doctors info, their town and "non" touristic attractions that are a must see! I also like to tinker in a garden so I am open to that as well.

I am quiet and I work from my computer as I am a digital marketer so my only must haves are a good bed, a big table to work from and a strong reliable internet access so I can work while house/pet sitting. I can do short or long sitting arrangements.

Thanks for reading my profile and I look forward to hearing about you and your wonderful pets.


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