Robin b.

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Rock Hill, South Carolina, United States


Über Robin b.

62 Jahre alt | teacher

Hello! My name is Robin, and I am a teacher in the United States. My daughters are my two travel companions. They are adults, 25 and 29 years old, so they are mature young women. My older daughter is into history, so she wants to visit castles and museums, while my younger daughter dances tango and loves growing things. She is a certified Master Gardener, so your garden will be well cared for. I have been pet sitting and house sitting for about ten years in the U.S., and one of my daughters has done quite a bit of pet sitting also, so no worries on your home or pet. We enjoy interacting with pets, and they seem to enjoy spending time with us too.

We live in the northern part of South Carolina, very close to Charlotte, North Carolina. I teach English for Speakers of Other Languages, so I am familiar with many languages, but only fluent in English and Spanish. We have all done some traveling to Spain, Cuba, Colombia, and Venezuela. Now we are ready to explore more of Europe. Languages come easy to us, and with a little practice, I think we will get along well in France or any other European country.

We just want to experience the life and culture of Europe!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ashley, 36 Jahre alt, student, Kind
Anna, 31 Jahre alt, massage therapist, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich

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