Carne b.

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Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Carne b.

78 Jahre alt | Consultant Town Planner

I'm a retired consultant town planner and my wife is a retired librarian, who has also managed her own B&B for some time and has also done a lot of work assisting disabled students at the local university. We own our own home, which has a pleasant garden and vegetable patch, all of which we care for ourselves. We have two married children and one grandchild. We are both non-smokers.

We own a suburban three bedroomed home in Auckland, New Zealand. We have had both cats and dogs while our children were growing up (and some other odd pets - snakes, rats, fish). We have no pets at present, but do babysit our daughter's cat here at our home fairly often when they go away. We both grew up on farms and have retained our family contacts with farming operations.

We are now free to travel and would like to do so as often as possible. House sitting allows this to be more affordable. We have done a fair bit of travelling over the years, and all at a bit of a rush and now want opportunities for longer stays in one place so as to get more involved in, and experience more of, the local atmosphere, without having the pressure of having to pack up and move on!

We have had one happy experience pet-sitting near Salisbury in England during 2017. We can provide references if required.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Mary Ann, 77 Jahre alt, Librarian, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Vanessa D.

Neuchâtel, Switzerland - August 2018

Très belle rencontre ! Carne et Mary Ann ont pris soin de nos animaux et de notre maison à merveille. Après les avoir rencontrés, nous sommes partis en vacances l'esprit tranquille. Calmes, très aimables, serviables... A notre retour, tout était parfait, et nous avons même trouvé un cadeau.

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