Darren c.

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Southend-on-Sea, England, United Kingdom

Über Darren c.

58 Jahre alt | Legal & Compliance Officer

I retired from work early where I had been a lawyer in a Bank and am aged in my early fifties. Fit and able to carry out light and heavy gardening tasks, watering plants and carry out basic maintenance jobs around the house where necessary as well as looking after and walking pets.

I grew up with parents who bred Great Danes so the size or number of any dogs, cats or other pets is not a problem and I have also owned dogs of my own as well as cats, rabbits, fish and guinea pigs. Additionally, my father owned a boarding kennels and cattery so I have a lot of experience in looking after other people's loved ones.

I like to keep both myself and my property extremely tidy and I am reliable, punctual and polite to all. I retired at a young age from work as I was no longer enjoying the routine of spending all day in an office and wanted to see more of the world by travelling before I became too old to fully enjoy it.

Looking for short or long term house sits of any duration, anywhere in the world and would enjoy nothing better than looking after and caring for your pets as much as I would if they were mine. Another appealing reason for house sitting is to be able to visit and see places as they really are and not simply as a tourist. I'll be happy for you to contact me at all times whilst you are away should you wish to get in touch for peace of mind that your home and pets are all safe and secure before your return to your home, finding it exactly as you had left it.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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