Yvonne h.

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Shrewsbury, England, United Kingdom

Über Yvonne h.

74 Jahre alt | Proprietor of rural study centre and plant nursery on smallholding

Hello! My husband, John and I have been very happily married for 47 years and have 2 grown up children and 2 granddaughters. We have lived on our organic smallholding in Shropshire for 37 years where we have cared for and loved many farm and pet animals, including pedigree Hereford cattle, Shropshire sheep, Large Black pigs, milking goats and many breeds of poultry, as well as our pet cats over the years and my lovely silkies and Speckled Sussex hens. John was a farm manager in Kent and I was employed as calf reader for 170 calves each Autumn. Since living in Shropshire I have done several jobs, all of which I have thoroughly enjoyed - a support worker for those with mental health issues which fulfilled my caring nature, a radio production assistant for the BBC local radio and this was very exciting as I, and John, love music and singing, mainly traditional folk music, then I really came to my own when I started my own kitchen garden plant nursery with mail order and local farmers markets. We then started a business together by converting a double stable on the smallholding into a rural craft centre for music, crafts and art. This was an extension of both of our interests, the music and singing, John’s willow basket making and my artistic side with watercolour painting. Now we are almost fully retired we are very excited about having time to travel, meet new friends, learn a new language whilst helping others to have time to holiday with the knowledge that their homes and pets are well cared for.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
John, 74 Jahre alt, Retired Agricultural Contractor, Ehepartner / Partner

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