Regina t.

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Prairie Village, Kansas, United States

Über Regina t.

57 Jahre alt | Graphic Artist

Hello everyone, greetings from the Midwest, USA! I'm single, in my fifties. I seek warm places to travel and live in over the winter, as I'm finding myself to be less and less tolerant of cold, dreary weather! Here in the Midwest I live with a friend in her house, going on 3 years now. It's been a good way to learn the ins and outs of living in another person's space as well as caring for her dog when she is away. I also enjoy cats and farm animals (my parents have a farm with goats). Pictured with me are Lemmy and Maggie, two dogs I've been helping look after. Concerning Spanish and German, I can understand and speak only a bit. Simple conversations are slow but possible.

Please note I will need a reliable internet connection, as I have a quarter-time, online graphic design job that will allow me this freedom to roam at will and make new furry friends! I usually work 10 to 15 hours per week online, so I'll have lots of time for the pet care, house care, garden care, farm animal care that you would like to have me do!

Also, as far as timing, please note I can't let go of my second (local) job until December 15, 2018, so I'm restricted to Kansas City housesits until then. Thereafter, I can travel at will!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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