Virginia f.

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Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil

Über Virginia f.

40 Jahre alt | Legal adviser

One of these days, while surfing on the internet, I came across a travel blog where a young couple explained about a different way of traveling. They said that they had traveled to different places in the world, spending little, because the idea was to stay in homes of people who needed someone to take care of their pets. They explained how it worked and I was simply enchanted by the idea, not only because I love to travel, but mainly because I love, more than anything (and I'm not exaggerating at all), animals!
I do not know if I can put into words my feelings for animals, of all kinds.
My parents tell me that I have been like this since I was a child and, over the years, I´ve always had pets (cats, bunnies and dogs). Dogs, in fact, are my greatest passion and I think of them as the ultimate companions in life.
For me, nothing compares to the love between man and dog, the loyalty, the purity, the wanting nothing in return, among other things, brings to my life a tenderness that I could not live without.
And, as a pet owner myself, I understand the difficulty of traveling and having no one to leave them with, because I go through this constantly, with my “Fofa” (my beautiful 13 years old “old english sheepdog”).
With that, I decided to go deeper into research on this “house/pet sitting” idea and decided to give it a try, because if there are two things in the world I love most, that would be traveling and helping animals (and people who, like me, love them).
About me: I am 33 years old, Italian-Brazilian (I have dual citizenship), went to law school, work as a legal adviser of a Federal Judge, married with a great guy (also a pet lover, of course), no kids of my own (yet), but take care of my sister´s boys (that I consider mine, also), extremely organized, very openminded, committed, independent, speak portuguese, english (was a foreing exchange student when I was 15 years old and lived in the US for a year), italian (lived in Italy for 3 years) and some spanish. I live in Recife (coastal city in northeastern Brazil), love nature, yoga, plants, drinking wine, eating healthy and to try all kinds of food. I understand that our home is our sanctuary and thus must be cared for and respected. In fact, respect (as well as honesty), for me, is the starting point for everything and every kind of relation. I love art (mostly music and cinema), to read, to spend time with my family/friends and what I most want from this is to EXCHANGE, to

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Marçal Maia, 48 Jahre alt, business manager, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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