Audray c.

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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Über Audray c.

37 Jahre alt | Student, housekeeper part time, building an online business

I'm a reliable early 30s woman, currently student and part time worker in Sydney CBD Australia! (Living particularly in Glebe and looking for opportunities to take care of house, cats, dogs and plants (I am making grow my first basil for the first time and I'm loving it. :) in Sydney and surroundings!

Short or long term, both does work for it ! I used to live surrounded by cats and labradors. I am totally a cat person and in love with small dogs :) I do not have any problem by walking big dogs, but they mostly more walking me than I'm walking them ahahha.

I'm at school twice a week and have also a housekeeping part time 3times a week, therefore basically flexible all evenings and 2 days a week to maintain your house, feeding your pets and plants with attention and love!! I am working on building an online business so I love staying or walking around in most of the time :),

I am able to do some odd jobs if needs to be done also, I love work on create something new with something that exist already, reuse clothes to make some bags and others accessories.

Like I m living in Sydney alreadyy, we can easily meet up for a small chat!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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