Dr.nicole s.

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Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Über Dr.nicole s.

6 Jahre alt | Associate Professor

I am Dr. Nicole Shammas - the academic kind - not the fix=your health kind! From New Zealand but a long term Dubai expat where I work at a university. I have two kids who will be traveling with me - boys aged 12, please don't let that put you off they are very well behaved and if we find the right location will be out at summer camp all day. I absolutely love animals - we have a dog (havanese) and cat. I fully understand it's not just about taking care of their physical needs, they need loads of love and attention as well as walks. I hate leaving my dog when I'm away and will send regular updates and photos - pets to me are fully part of the family. We are very quiet, I love walking and am doing some research so am home quite a lot. Can do gardening and keep the house clean and tidy for you when you get back. We are looking for somewhere from July 15 - August 22nd. Approx .

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ruben, 18 Jahre alt, Child, Kind
Emilio, 18 Jahre alt, Child, Kind
Sarah, 55 Jahre alt, Teacher, Freund

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