Moira and John

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Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Moira and John

61 Jahre alt | medical doctor | Als Paar/Duo

We are a married couple of 30+ years currently travelling across Europe and eventually beyond. We are from Malta originally but now living in New Zealand where we emigrated with our (then) two young children, now adults. We decided to leave our jobs for at least a year and embark on an adventure of discovery, learnings, people, culture, language, food and laughter. We want to discover more about people, villages, hobbies, creativity, experiences, and are very open to also discovering more about ourselves, what else we're good at, and what else we can do. I have been a nurse and a medical doctors for over 40 years, and although always fulfilled with my work and profession, am convinced there is something else I can enjoy doing as I wind down from the busy work life and responsibilities I currently have. John has already discovered he is good at working a lathe; he too, enjoys his job and profession, and above all the team he works with, but is also relishing the notion there is more out there that might just tickle his fancy. We have been housesitters for friends, family and strangers, and have enjoyed taking care of someone else's home with the same respect and good habits we apply to our own home We are both animal lovers, and although we have only owned cats in the last years due to our busy lives and travels, we are convinced one day we will diversify the species that enter our home. We are very comfortable around animals. John is to dog, as dog is to bone! Hope we can meet some of you out there, and of course your animal friends and pets......happy to share more information with you. Kind regards

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Meine Reisebegleiter
John, 60 Jahre alt, employment consultant, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Sian B.

Vinsobres, France - September 2023

John and Moira were the perfect pet and house sitters. They sent regular updates and followed all my instructions. It was clear that my dogs and cats loved having them as their temporary parents! Moria and John are a delightful couple; kind, considerate and charming. It was a pleasure meeting them, and the care they took with my pets and flat was exceptional. I would highly recommend them, and I hope they come back to me later in their travels!!

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