Brandy a.

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Southfield, Michigan, United States

Über Brandy a.

42 Jahre alt | Manager

I've spend the last 10 years taking care of people in my home. I've taken friends of friends in to give them a new start and any of them would be happy to give you a reference. Most recently, my friend Katie discovered a pregnant stray - trust me, we tried very hard to find an owner. I took in Dali, she had her kittens, and I made sure they all found great homes. My friend Valerie now has Dali and her kitten Norma Jean.

I've grown up with everything from cats and dogs to parrots and reptiles. I've even raised chickens. You could say I'm an animal person. It's very common that people's skittish pets even come out to see me.

I also enjoy walking, so taking pets for a walk is awesome!

What my friends think about me:

Valerie - Resourceful. Benevolent. Generous. You made sure I got the lovely cats and you will always be considered as one of my closest friends.

Katie - Adventurous, generous, considerate, funny, smart.

Lenore - Loving, intelligent, fun, compassionate, well thought of

I'm travelling to see the world. I've been trying to do most of my travel by volunteering. 2018 started off with me building schools in Nepal and repairing hurricane damaged homes in Puerto Rico. I'm happy to share my stories and photos. This travelling is a labor of love and my goal is to help people, even in small ways.

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