Samantha b.

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Über Samantha b.

29 Jahre alt | Student

We are a young couple from Australia who packed up our things to travel around Europe in our van, Olive. We have very much enjoyed discovering new places and meeting lovely people along the way. We have spent quite a bit of time volunteering with Workaway and have loved the chance to be welcomed into a family or community in exchange for helping them out on their property; gardening, painting, general DIY and animal care. Although new to Nomador, we have a lot of experience housesitting and are always grateful for the opportunity and trust that comes with it. We have a lot of experience caring for animals, both in our own home and in others, as well as a keen love of maintaining and nurturing gardens. All in all, we are a clean, respectful couple who love to meet and get to know people and experience new communities and cultures.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
David, 32 Jahre alt, Manager, Ehepartner / Partner

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