Kandice c.

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St. Petersburg, Florida, United States

Über Kandice c.

38 Jahre alt | Construction Management/Civil Engineering

My husband and I love to travel but oddly enough are home-bodies...we just want to relax and enjoy our surroundings once we arrive in a destination which is what makes us great house/pet sitters! My husband is a combat disabled veteran who is what I call a "career hobbyist" ...he is literally good at just about anything (art, gardening, mechanics, etc). All except math...and that's where I am the ying to his yang (haha). I have a Civil Engineering degree and have been working in the Construction Management industry for the last 5 years. We don't have children and that's why we are looking to take advantage of the opportunity to travel during our 30s! We have 2 dogs and 3 cats back home and lucky enough to have my husband's brother living with us as our own pet/house sitter when we travel. I grew up with all kinds of critters...pet snakes, birds, fish, dogs, cats, the list goes on. I spent time at horse camp as a kid and would literally nurse a lizard back to health as a child. Your furbabies will be in exceptional hands. :-)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Charles, 40 Jahre alt, retired military, Ehepartner / Partner

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