Nicki c.

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Pāhoa, Hawaii, United States


Über Nicki c.

66 Jahre alt | Artisan, Realtor

Hello, we are a couple Nicki and Sevyn from Hawaii USA. We consider ourselves semi-retired as we occasionally still work. Sevyn is a International Massage Therapist , I am an Artisan, basically a reuse artist. I was also a Realtor in Hawaii and still do some Real estate assistant work online. We are experienced house sitters and homeowners and are non-smokers. We are now location independent and on a slow-moving travel adventure. We both are very dependable but most importantly we want you to know that we love animals, we dearly miss having pets of our own right now but we feel certain we will find solace in caring for yours. Over the years we have an assortment of furry and feathered friends, dogs, cats, goats, chickens , pigs , mice, bunnies , we even once had a young hawk. We have always been especially fond of the strays we have taken in as they always turn out to be such good companions.. We will care for your pets as if they were our own and be happy to follow your instructions on care, feeding, walking , cleaning and of course cuddles.
Over the past 16 years, we built our Hawaiian paradise from the ground up on a 5-acre piece of jungle. During that time we learned many skills, minor carpentry, painting, wiring, solar upkeep. We planted and maintained beautiful gardens of vegetables, flowers, and fruit orchards, mowed acres of lawn and lived entirely off grid yet we still had all the comforts of an average home. During this time we learned how to be very adaptable and self-reliant. We love travel, especially to places we have yet to visit, and although we have lived a remote country lifestyle for many years we also really enjoy and look forward to our city time. Travel slows time and presents different points of view. Seeing and learning how other people live is both fascinating and beneficial to our own lives. Taking care of pets is a wonderful added bonus.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Sevyn , 70 Jahre alt, Therapist , Ehepartner / Partner

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Patricia m.

Vinon-sur-Verdon, France - Oktober 2018

It was nice having Nicky and her husband looking after the animals. Dogs seem to be happy and also the cats. Everything was ok.

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