Chiara c.

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Ascoli Piceno, Marche, Italy

Über Chiara c.

42 Jahre alt | Writer

Hi! This is Chiara, I come from Italy,

I am a writer and work in the theatre.

I have 3 bothers, practice yoga and love the animals very much. Wagging tails make me happy :)

My studies are in the cultural, diplomatic field: I love the variety of the world.

I love travelling and make the difference, make the world a better place. I love the planet and like to show my respect every day with a healthy, green, eco conscious lifestyle.
In my free time I read and research, meditate, paint. I love the Arts.

I have been a God mother to Romeo, my friend's border terrier, since he was 2 months old and we adore each other. :) I have now moved to Ibiza, and miss him so much! I take planes just to go and see him, he is my baby.

I would love to meet your pet and take care of your home, please do get in touch!


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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