Linda h.

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Nazareth, Pennsylvania, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Linda h.

58 Jahre alt | Sales and Marketing

I'm a single mother of three grown children looking for a change of pace and a sense of adventure abroad! I am a lifelong animal lover and vegetarian. I have experience living and working in people's homes, and taking care of their animals and children. I love to cook, dance, listen to music, learn new languages, volunteer, help animals, and admire architecture and natural beauty. I am looking forward to meeting new people, experiencing a different culture, and broadening my worldview while staying in France.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Melissa, 32 Jahre alt, Dance Instructor, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Gabrielle d.

Salon-de-Provence, France - Januar 2019

Linda took care of our 2 cats Romeo and Juliette whilst we were on holidays. Our home was left tidy and the cats were well tended to. I can highly recommend Linda for future house sits.

Sonja s.

Orléans, France - November 2018

Linda was SO fabulous. Arranging everything ahead of time was easy – she was receptive, thoughtful, flexible and kind. Not to mention that she took GREAT care of the (sometimes temperamental) cat, left the house SPOTLESS and put us totally at ease while we were away. Super responsible and easygoing, and she even even sent us photos of Trixie! It was our first time using Nomador and we must say that we had a really positive experience.

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