Nadia r.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Nadia r.

55 Jahre alt | counselor, educator, writer

I was born in London and later then moved to France with my family at the age of 15 and lived for several years in Paris and kater the USA and all round I have a very cosmopolitan background, This past year I have been looking after my mother in Paris to help her sell her house, while working on the completion of a book that I have been writing and researching for some years now. I have my own property back in London but I have rented it out to enable me to spread my wings a little more as well as find a new and inspiring environment to help me finish my book and I wish to enjoy more of the European continent whilst writing over the next few months. I speak French fluently, and have a very basic command of both Spanish and German plus am now learning Italian.

I am a very responsible, tidy, considerate and thoughtful person with a lively and warm character too, plus love learnign and experiencing new things and people and ways. I am also easygoing with playful sense of humour. I love nature and all animals and creatures, as well as being passionate about children and their welfare and education, which is very mich behind the work that I do. I adapt well to different environments and am very respectful as well as widely experienced with a rich past in creative arts, professional cooking and care work. I am often being called in to look after my young nieces or help restore order in the homes and lives of family members, and although I never actually got round to doing international house-sitting before, I have had a great deal of experience as an ever-reliable nanny in the past as well support overall for friends and family over the years, thanks to the flexibility of my professional work. I am very good at taking creative and cool-headed initiative and caring for whatever has value in the lives of others overall.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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