Christabel l.

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Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Über Christabel l.

34 Jahre alt | Freelance Travel Writer

I'm a freelance travel writer and hatha yoga teacher. I spend six months out of the year in Mysore, India, mainly practicing yoga and focusing on my writing. The rest of the year I like to travel and have been house-sitting and pet-sitting since 2013. I have a degree in Animal Sciences Pre-Veterinary, experience as a veterinary technician, and spent two years working on animal welfare issues at the Humane Society of the United States in Washington, D.C.

I love animals and pet-sit frequently for my friends in Washington, D.C. and New York City. I'm comfortable handling older animals and have experience giving medication to older cats. As a writer, I tend to work from home and housesitting is proving to be a great way to see the world and work at the same time.

I was born and raised in Dubai, UAE and have lived for several years in California, Hawaii, New York City and Washington, DC before moving to Mysore, India. I have a blog, that focuses on my travels around the world as a PoC. I also ghostwrite and edit content for a kid-friendly food & family travel blog, My writing has appeared in Barclays Travel, Fodor’s, ASEAN Tourism, HuffingtonPost, Multicultural Kid Blogs and more.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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