Aleenah m.

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Sacramento, California, United States

Über Aleenah m.

34 Jahre alt | Researcher

Hi there! My name is Aleenah, and I'm passionate about creating sustainable food systems, traveling, and meditation. I received my Master's (MPhil) from Oxford University in 2015, and my professional experience ranges from helping to scale a nonprofit startup, to participating in audits of Rainforest Alliance coffee farms, to serving as a research fellow at UC Berkeley.

I'm a dog-lover, non-smoker(!), and have a green thumb. I've helped install community gardens, so I'd be more than happy to care for your garden! I have previous experience house-sitting in California and can provide personal references as to my personal character, reliability, and appreciation of cleanliness.

I've also been so fortunate to have lived and worked in England, India, and Brazil, and have travelled to Ireland, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Canada, and the Czech Republic.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I'd love to have a conversation with you and hear more about what you would need from your house-sitter. :)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Hindi | Portugiesisch

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