Linda s.

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Greensboro, North Carolina, United States

Über Linda s.

75 Jahre alt | Hospital Chaplain

Ten years ago Pete and Linda retired from 80+ combined years as real estate brokers.  We know a LOT about houses.  Pete is a NC Licensed General Contractor.  Together we have been involved in the marketing, merchandising and selling of over 5000 homes. In the last five years of our real estate careers we served as managing brokers of several real estate firms in North  Carolina.

The first year after we retired we took it easy and fixed up our home in Chapel Hill.  We set a goal of taking each of our 10 grandchildren for a long weekend in New York City when they each turned 13. We took our first grandchild in 2006 and accomplished our goal in 2019 with our last grandchild turned 13.. 

We began our pet sitting experience in our early retirement by picking up a one-month pet sit in Portland, ME where we sat for a kitty and a bunny.  After a couple years we sold our home in Chapel Hill and bought a 1999 Airstream and set up camp near our children in Madison, NC. Our experience has been when you own a home you are tied to that place and you bloom where you're planted.. We decided we were not ready to put down permanent roots just yet.  We wanted to bloom for the next few years wherever our pet sitting opportunities took us.  We wanted to strike out on our own, share our love of animals, the love of settling in and living with people, getting to know them and finding our way around new cities we visited.  We were perfectly suited for pet sitting and pet sitting was just perfect for us. Before the pandemic interrupted our pet sitting wanderlust, we were honored to be chosen for other housesitting opportunities in Santa Fe, NM and Wilmington, NC.

During the time of lockdown we sold the Airstream, bought a home in Greensboro, NC and began a complete remodel of a 70-year old cottage. That project ended just about the time travel opened and people needed to have their pets lovingly cared for while they wandered.

Pete and Linda are in excellent health; fit and trim. Our exercise of choice is walking (your pups will love that!).  We take a few presciptions and supplements, but mostly we rely on our vegan lifestyle and healthy food to serve as our medicine.  Linda cooks "three squares" a day most days and enjoys a glass of wine some nights with dinner.  Pete loves a bourbon on date night (Fridays).  Neither of us has ever smoked.

We're pretty much homebodies in the evenings after dinner.  Our favorite passtimes are watchi

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Harold M. "Pete" Barber, 80 Jahre alt, Retired Real Estate Broker & Building Contractor, Ehepartner / Partner

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