Ricardo w.

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Mendoza, Mendoza Province, Argentina


Über Ricardo w.

74 Jahre alt | Self employed

I'm a hotel owner business man profesional kids and 7 beautiful grandchildren. Our background is European and Hispanic. We've traveled all over the America's western European countries as well as Northern Africa, Turkey, Greece, etc. We have lots of spare time and would love be able to take care of people's home or condo while on a trip. We own our apartment downtown the city of Mendoza as well our weekend lodge up by the Andes mountains. Love to meet people and share thoughts that add good memories to our lives. I love cat's and dog's.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Lokaler Kulturführer
Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Gisela b.

Bremen, Germany - Mai 2019

I housesat at Ricardo´s and Diana´s place for 5 months. This was one of those “pinch-me-I-can´t-believe-it´s-true” house sits. The property is in an absolutely stunning location, with the most amazing views of the Andes. I had a lot of fun helping to look after the guests that came from all over the world. It was very interesting and educational. There was also a lot of free time to explore the area by bike, hike in the mountains or just relax at the pool. Ricardo and Diana were always available when help or support was needed. I can thoroughly recommend this housesit to anyone who loves to interact with people but is also content to be alone for a while.

Jamin h.

Melbourne, Australia - Dezember 2018

We had a fabulous time at Ricardo's place. The Carmelo Mountain Lodge will always be a very special place for us, and we hope to come back some time rather sooner than later :-)

Logement de Ricardo w.

Mendoza Province, Argentina

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 5 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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