Gisela b.

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Bremen, Bremen, Germany


Über Gisela b.

57 Jahre alt | Raw Food Chef and Educator

I am a friendly, uncomplicated, open-minded woman, who enjoys staying in different countries. I am a trained social worker, waldorf school teacher and raw food chef and educator. I speak German, English, Italian and Spanish. With my jobs I have travelled the world extensively and have lived and worked in many different countries. I have also worked a lot on organic farms all over the world. I love animals and enjoy a lot their company and friendship.
Here you can get an idea of my work:


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Ricardo w.

Mendoza, Argentina - Januar 2019

Gisela has been and still is our backbone in the Lodge, she has handled everything in such a professional a lovely manner that we will for sure miss her a lot, that has not been one guest that just loved here for here cordiality and sympathy. The whole team at Carmelo Mountain Lodge will miss you a lot and we wish you all the best in your travel plans this year and and in life. Hope to see you soon back one day you know this is in a way your home in Argentina. Diana & Ricardo

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