Tracee u.

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Tracee u.

39 Jahre alt | Paralegal | Allein

I am a 38-year-old digital nomad who left the United States in 2018. I currently travel wherever life and opportunities take me. I am a quiet introvert, very responsible, respectful, and super tidy. Please review my Airbnb profile as well as my Workaway volunteer feedback to have a better understanding of what type of person you may be choosing to trust with your home and animals. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask as I am an open book. Thank you in advance for your consideration!! :-D

I also have letters of recommendation from other sitting opportunities available for your review. Just ask!

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Manu G.

Fribourg, Switzerland - September 2022

Tracee is the most lovely and amazing house sitter you can dream about. She took care of my very special cat ;) Kheops and even brought him to the veterinary. She took absolutely perfect care of my house and I came back finding my house perfectly clean and ready for me to live in like nobody was here. Tracee is also a beautiful human being that inspires you peace and trust. I am just sad I couldn't spend more time with her to get to know her better! I really really recommend her and we are gonna miss her very much. Thank you SO much Tracee!

Ezgi k.

Munich, Germany - August 2022

Tracee is an amazing house sitter. She was super friendly and caring. She send us pictures and clips of our two little babies everyday. She kept us informed all the time. I could tell from the first moment I've met her that she was going to take really good care of our cats and we weren't disappointed. Our cats absolutely loved her. When we came back home, she had washed our sheets, cleaned everything perfectly and even prepared us welcome home surprises, which were extremely sweet and thoughtful. So I can absolutely recommend her to anyone who is looking for someone for house or pet sitting.

Julieta r.

Porto, Portugal - Dezember 2021

Tracee is the most beautiful soul and took care of our cats and plants for two weeks. She sent us pictures and videos of the cats everyday as requested and I could really see they loved and trusted her. They were sleeping on her lap, playing with her, going to the balcony for their daily bird watch, etc. The plants were watered and the house was super tidy when I came back. She was also very flexible and understanding with a delayed in our return because of the pandemic. I would recommend Tracee to anyone who would like to have their pets and home cared for and loved with no hesitation or doubt. I would be very happy to provide a further reference to any future house who is considering Tracee as their catsitter. Hopefully she will be available next time we need it! :) It was an absolute pleasure to meet such an amazing kind beautiful person. Thank you for everything, Tracee! :)

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