Ezgi k.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Ezgi k.

30 Jahre alt | Sustainability consultant

Meine Reisebegleiter
Peter, 33 Jahre alt, ux designer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Katsiaryna s.

E, Germany - Oktober 2022

Liebe Ezgi und Peter! Vielen Dank für tolle Aufenthalt! Ich hatte sehr schöne Zeit in München. Die Wohnung ist super schön in der besten Lage. Die Katzen sind sehr gesellig und problemlos. Ich komme gerne wieder! Ich wünsche euch alles Gute!

Tracee u.

Atlanta, United States - August 2022

I thoroughly enjoyed my sit for Ezgi & Peter. They were traveling to get married and it was such an honor to help them with their girls, Izzy & Kaymak, and take care of their home. Izzy is a sweet ball of energy that loves her cuddling and tanning in the sun time. Kaymak is very independent and loves to sit outdoors or just observing. Taking care of them wasn't difficult and I really enjoyed my time with them. The apartment is very spacious and equipped with everything you may need for the cats or to maintain the home. There are also plants to look after. I stayed in constant contact with Ezgi & Peter and they always responded promptly if I had any questions. I will miss cuddling with Izzy and witnessing Kaymak run the house. I hope I can sit for this lovely family again one day!


Katowice, Poland - September 2021

I am amazed by the trust, generosity, and openness I've experienced from Ezgi and Peter, especially since that was the first time experience for all of us. They made me feel at home from the first moment I've arrived and made sure I had a good time in Munich. However, the best part of it was Kaymak, the lovely Birman princess. She's one of the cutest and most sociable cats I've ever met, always ready to play but also to chill on the balcony on a sunny morning. It was a great pleasure to take care of her!

Logement de Ezgi k.

Upper Bavaria, Germany

2 Katzen

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 5 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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