Eden r.

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Las Vegas, Nevada, United States


Über Eden r.

54 Jahre alt | Small business owner - retired

We are a first class, semi-retired, age-gap couple. We are 'dog people' and enjoy the company of cats and other domestic pets as well. Our past lives (working world) included Denny being self employed his entire life as an Electrical Contractor with side businesses in auto racing and Eden in Finance and Accounting, we even founded an ice cream parlor together, which we later sold.
We are people of high integrity, honest, credible and reliable, we have sitting references as well as personal references.
We have house sat for 11 dogs at one sit! Yes 11 dogs, 1 cat and a fish...all at once. We repeat sat for the same people for 3 months, this time only 7 dogs, 1 cat and the fish, so our love for animals is obvious, as is our ability to care for them.
2018 has us in Mexico and Nicaragua. We are currently looking for opportunities in Puerto Vallerta area of Mexico for Oct 2018 to March 2018.
Additionally Italy & south of France for spring of 2019.

In our leisure time Denny is an author, working on his 3rd book and Eden writes on our travel blog and works online.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Dennis, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Hector h.

Colima, Mexico - Januar 2018

I cannot say enough good things about Eden and Denny. I felt 100%% comfortable leaving our fur babies with them and by the end of the experience, I felt we'd gained new friends as well as trusted house sitters. I hope they can sit for us again in the future, and I would recommend them to anyone.

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