Anne a.

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Vincennes, Île-de-France, France


Über Anne a.

42 Jahre alt | Finance Director

Swedish by origin, Amsterdam-er in spirit (after 20 years living in this gorgeous 'city-village') and just embarked on a new life adventure as Parisian (since 4 months)! Curious by nature, I welcome what life brings and enjoy counting a broad range of out-of-the-box life experiences to my life-memoires.
In Paris to deepen my practice of aikido, an opportunity made possible by my online job as Finance director for a European online campaign organisation, aiming to make Europe a better place, for all! .. while learning the French cuisine and experimenting with gardening in my backroom window!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Rachel m.

Llangollen, United Kingdom - Juli 2020

Anne is a lovely person and Kura a lovely cat. The neighbourhood is wonderful, quiet and leafy with good shops, characterful old houses, and amazing parks. Easy to get into Paris. Nice fast wifi and a very comfortable bed. So glad she chose me.

Mandy h.

Paris, France - Juli 2019

Anne is very friendly and her cat Kura is the cutiest cat in the world :D

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