Monika k.

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Espoo, Finland


Über Monika k.

38 Jahre alt | Business controller

Meine Reisebegleiter
Joonas, 35 Jahre alt, BIM engineer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Nicole g.

Boston, United States - Dezember 2019

We were delighted to sit for Monika and Joonas and would love to go back. Frankie is a fantastic cat! She is extremely intelligent, very active and will purr you awake in the morning. She's very fun to play with. She's not a lap cat, but she will cuddle up next to you at night when you're watching TV. Monika and Joonas keep a warm, welcoming and comfortable house. They made sure we knew everything about the area before they left and were in frequent contact, which meant if we had a question we could ask them. They are delightful people, the kind that you really enjoy spending a lot of time with. They're located in an area that is convenient for both shopping and walks in nature, just steps away from a grocery store, half a kilometer away from an enormous park and a kilometer from a mall that won for "Best Mall in the Nordic Region." It was very easy to get everywhere. I can't say enough. Great cat, great home, great homeowners.

Logement de Monika k.

, Finland

1 Katze

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