Nicole g.

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Boston, Massachusetts, United States


Über Nicole g.

53 Jahre alt | Marketing consultant

My partner and I have the good fortune to work remotely, and are taking advantage of it by doing the traveling we were unable to do when we were younger. We also haven't been able to have any pets where we've lived, so housesitting gives us a great opportunity to be the pet "aunt and uncle"!

We are quiet, neat nonsmokers. We're fans of science fiction (in fact, it's how we met) and wine. I'm a bookworm, a history nerd and a big walker. Mike is into cinema, photography and classical music and plays multiple instruments.

We're diligent and organized. Mike in particular is handy and good at taking care of those home issues that arise from time to time. We'll make sure your house is safe and secure and your pets are given all the care, love and attention they need while you're gone!

We have experience caring for pets and each bring a different set of skills. Mike has cared for very old cats and dogs as well as those with medical issues, while I am a fanatic about cleaning out litterboxes and the other pet care details. We also have many plant care and gardening skills - Mike was once a landscaper. We also have many home maintenance skills; we've handled everything from blown fuses to exploding toilets to sudden ceiling cave-ins. We love to leave a place in better condition than it was when we arrived!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Michael, 60 Jahre alt, Motion graphics artist, Ehepartner / Partner

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Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Monika k.

Espoo, Finland - November 2019

Nicole and Mike are warm, friendly and open people, and wonderful house sitters. They took great care of our cat, Frankie, who really loved them. Thanks to frequent communication and multiple photos we received, we could enjoy our holiday knowing that everything is fine at home. Nicole and Mike were also very kind to pick us up from the airport and even leave surprise gifts for us. We will always be happy to have Nicky and Mike back, and we strongly recommend them to anyone who needs considerate, loving people to look after their pupils.


Saint-Suliac, France - November 2019

Nicole et Mike are my go-to pet-sitters. That was their second time cat-sitting for me, after I asked them if they could come back :). I trust them completely and know that my cats love them very much and feel comfortable and safe around them. They are truly amazing people and fantastic sitters. We have already talked about future longer stays. I recommend Nicole and Mike!


Saint-Suliac, France - November 2018

Nicole and Mike are dream petsitters. They took great care of my two cats and my home. One of them, Mikado, usually very shy and easily scared, became a very cuddly kitty thanks to their magic touch. My two cats obvioulsy miss them, as they have been looking for them in the house for the whole day after they'd left. Nicole and Mile respected my instructions to the letter and were very attentive to giving me regular news of my cats and their life in my home and region. Expert travelers, they are used to adapting and ajusting to any new place they visit, which means they became locals in a very short time. Very interested in the culture of my region and in the things to do and see, they are also foodies who shared their cooking experiences with me and went to the market every week to find the best infredients. I don't want to recommand them because I want to keep them to myself if they ever visit France again ;), but alas, I have to : you may invite Nicole and Mike without the trace of a hesitation.

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