Laura b.

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Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada


Über Laura b.

retired high school teacher

Greetings! In this introduction I’ll share some information related to our backgrounds, and also provide some details with regard to our personalities, skills, and experiences to assist you in determining our suitability for your needs.

My husband, Bob, and I retired 3 years ago after completing 30-year careers as high school teachers in Canada. Bob grew up on a farm with both crops and livestock. I was raised in the city, but have spent the last 29 years of our marriage living on an acreage. We have 2 children – our son is a teacher and our daughter is a speech-language pathologist. We have no grandchildren at this time. We have always enjoyed having pets. We have had two wonderful dogs and numerous cats. Sadly, we no longer have our dogs but we do have two awesome cats (they are brothers who are 12 years old). The house we own on 3 acres of land is situated 16 kilometers (10 miles) from the nearest town of Prince Albert in northern Saskatchewan.

Interests, Skills, Experience:
Our pets are happy and have a lot of freedom to move about the yard because of our rural setting. We provide birdseed to a host of wild birds in the fall and winter. In the summer, we put out hummingbird feeders and enjoy watching them. They nest in our trees and visit the flowers in our large gardens.
We lead quiet lives. We love pets and other animals, gardening, swimming, reading, music, history, the arts, and, of course, travel. We are organized, reliable, hard-working people. Bob is very handy around the house and has done a lot of home renovations himself. We are experienced with pool maintenance because we have a heated 27-foot round pool.
For approximately 2 weeks in March 2016, we did our first job as house/pet sitters (in addition to caring for pets for family/friends) We cared for the 3 dogs and large tropical garden in Costa Rica while the owners went on a cruise. The dogs were all rescue dogs with special needs. We bonded with them and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to spend time there! (We were matched with the home/pet-owners through Nomador and you can read our review on their site.)
We have taken long trips from January until April for the past 3 years in order to escape the brutally cold winters. Each year we had different arrangements for our own house and pet care. In the winter from January - March 2016 we located house sitters through an advertisement. Things went very smoothly. This gives us the ability to un

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Bob, retired teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

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Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Myrna k.

Atenas, Costa Rica - Mai 2016

It is with pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Laura and Bob. We have viewed their ability to care for our pets with special needs with responsible dedication. They are caring animal lovers. They are home owners as well as pet owners and took the initiative to care for our pets, garden and home as they would their own. They are skilled with home maintenance, plumbing, auto problems and many issues that may arise. We would highly recommend Laura and Bob and look forward to their return to pet and housesit again. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Myrna K./Jim V. Atenas, Costa Rica

Logement de Laura b.

Saskatchewan, Canada

2 Katzen

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