Myrna k.

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Atenas, Alajuela, Costa Rica


Über Myrna k.

Horticulture/invdestment broker

Meine Reisebegleiter
James Vernon, 79 Jahre alt, Horticulure, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Judy s.

Bowling Green, United States - August 2019

We had a wonderful time here in Costa Rica. The house and view was amazing. The dogs were great and we loved it. Great location, great people and pets. They even gave us a ride to and from the airport.

Priscilla b.

Montreal, Canada - Januar 2019

This was my first experience with the Normador and it couldn't have been better. Myrna and Jim were excellent, attentive to me. They left everything organized so my stay was quiet and calm. And the dogs are so lovely I was completely in love after few hours. Thank you Myrna and Jim for this incredible experience.

Maylis f.

Mimizan, France - Oktober 2018

James and Myrna were amazing hosts, we felt really welcomed and their house is just sublime. The views from the different balconies are gorgeous and we saw so many animals. Their four rescue dogs are so lovely, they are really cuddly and are fully enjoying their rescued doggy life. The garden is perfect with so many flowers that attracts butterflies and humming birds. It is a true paradise. We totally recommend this sit, James and Myrna are really nice people and always ready to help and answered any of our questions :)

Laura b.

Prince Albert, Canada - April 2016

We thoroughly enjoyed house/pet sitting for Myrna and Jim. Their home is lovely and we were committed to maintaining it to the best of our ability. Everything was well organized, and they left clear directions for us including instructions for the feeding of their special-needs dogs, a schedule for regular plant/garden care, their itinerary, and emergency contact information. We loved spending time with the dogs. Best of all...Myrna and Jim were so friendly and kind. We are thankful for the opportunity to get to know them!

Logement de Myrna k.

Alajuela, Costa Rica

4 Hunde

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 4 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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