Barbara t.

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Sparta, North Carolina, United States

Über Barbara t.

66 Jahre alt | Acupuncture Physician

Hi, we a a couple in our sixties, semi-retired from our holistic health clinic doing acupuncture, oriental herbs and bodywork. We both grew up on farms and love all animals, especially horses and cats. We have owned our own property and rental properties for many years, and can fix just about anything, or find some who can (if we can't). We are ultra responsible, but love travel, seeing the world, and meeting people from other places. Ronnie plays guitar and sings, and I sort of fake it along with him.We both love books, good cinema, and art, as well as gardening, practicing sustainable living farming, hiking, biking, kayaking, and so forth. We would love to meet you!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ronald, 71 Jahre alt, Acupuncture Physician, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

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Logement de Barbara t.

Alleghany County, United States

1 Katze - 5 Pferde

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