Julia w.

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Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil


Über Julia w.

31 Jahre alt | Entrepreneuer

I'm a 27 year old entrepreneuer and freelancer who loves animals and is currently travelling around europe. I have
two cats back where I live in Brazil, Pantufa and Marvin and they are the cutest things. They are being taken care of by my roomate while I'm away. When I was 17 I started a vet gratuation and studied for 3 years but due to many reasons I ended up graduating as a designer. In Brazil I work in an atelier of brass acessories and decoration. There is also my family's business, we've been runing two cafés for almost ten years. I'm more of an introspective person who is really into movies, art, discovering new music and eating/cooking delicious vegan food.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Benedicte a.

Montreal, Canada - April 2020

Having Julia take care of our two cats was great! She kept us informed and definitely has experience with cats before, as she herself owns rescue cats. She also knows how to take care of plants, which is a really great bonus! She ended up staying in my other apartment (no cats there) for two weeks due to the Corona-Virus lock down. When I came home everything was spotless and she even left me a bottle of wine and a nice note - thank you for that! Julia is a good conversationalist and a very laid-back person. I really enjoyed getting to know her. A very sweet and kind human. I hope to be able to see you in the future somewhere in the world - whether Europe or Brazil. Thank you Julia, I wish you all the best! xo

Julie b.

Madrid, Spain - März 2020

Julia has been a great home-sitter, she really took care of my cat Themis and gave me regular news during her stay. She is very autonomous and easy to communicate with. I would welcome Julia again any time!

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