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Bonaventure, Québec, Canada


Über Ziberman

Réalisateur, monteur, caméraman

Nomadic family, able to move regularly between British Columbia, Québec and Mexico thanks to independent online work and homeschooling. We speak English, French, and Spanish, and love to keep things fresh and simple while discovering all the beauty and diversity that this world has to offer. Marc and Karley (in our 40's) are adventurous, adaptable, resourceful, and efficient at managing and maintaining spaces and relations. Work experience in graphic design, computer tech, accounting. Our children (7,8, and 9) are calm, social, and curious. Everybody is interested in plants, animals, hiking, nutrition, music, photography, voluntary simplicity. Homesitting is an ideal organisation for providing a service to our hosts while permitting us to discover interesting places and people. Hope to meet you soon !
Petite famille nomade, style de vie rendu possible par l'école à la maison et travail en ligne. Résidence principale depuis plusieurs années au Québec, en plus de beaucoup de temps passé avec les familles au BC (Canada) et au Méxique. Trilingues français, anglais, espanol. Marc et Karley (dans la quarantaine) sont aventuriers, adaptables, débrouillards, efficaces à gérer et entretenir les espaces et les relations. Travaillent aussi en graphisme, informatique, comptabilité. Enfants (7, 8 et 9 ans) sont calmes, sociables, curieux. Tout le monde s'intéresse aux plantes, animaux, plein air, alimentation, musique, photo, simplicité volontaire. Le homesitting présente une belle manière de découvrir des endroits et des personnes intéressantes, tout en rendant service aux hôtes. Au plaisir de se rencontrer !

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Karley, Technicienne Comptable, Ehepartner / Partner
Elora, Kind
Émile & Julianne, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Hector h.

Colima, Mexico - März 2018

Karley and Marc were wonderful, they kept us updated while we were on our trip and even sent us pictures of our furbabies. The house was in great condition when we came home. We also really loved that they were interested in the local area and even went to see some of the sites we'd suggested. We were having issues with our phone lines and internet (all fixed now!), and they were very understanding of the situation and happy with the solution we came up with. They were very well traveled and we would love to have them housesit again. We would recommend them to anyone looking for housesitters for their home and/or pets.

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