Millie c.

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Über Millie c.

70 Jahre alt | Retired Office Assistant

I've been house and pet sitting through another website for over six years and have five-star references. I can send you the link to read 26 reviews, see more photos and a short video.
I started out sitting in my hometown, then gradually across Canada, and have had assignments in Maui (x3), France (x5), Cozumel, Arizona, the UK (x9), Abu Dhabi, Costa Rica, and central Mexico (x4). Homeowners usually invite me back for more than one sit, and they often leave me their car to use as I have a clean driving record and an International Driver's Licence.

I love it! Where I lived when I signed up, I couldn't have pets and really missed them. Then I found that sitting is a way to enjoy the companionship of pets and is also a way to not only explore new communities, but also meet some wonderful people.

I often sit as a single as I am retired and my husband, Jim, sometimes accompanies me. When a couple is preferred, he can help out with his handyman skills and love for pets.
He came with me to France, Arizona, Maui, Costa Rica, Mexico, and to Cozumel to care for some larger homes.

During my working career, I had various office positions for the Federal and Provincial Governments, always requiring a criminal record check and security clearance. Jim and I managed the apartment complex where we lived 2005-2018. It is on 3.9 acres and has four buildings with 64 suites. We had complete responsibility for the complex, including maintenance, landscaping, and financial matters, so you can see that we are completely trustworthy, competent, and capable. . **Update: Jim retired and they sold the complex. We moved from Kelowna BC to Calgary AB to be close to the grandchildren.

We raised our children on large properties and had cats, chickens, rabbits, hamsters, and pigeons as pets. We also had a small dog-sitting business, where owners would bring their dogs to our home for care while they went on vacation, sometimes even budgies. We also had large gardens and fruit trees, at one point an orchard of 100 trees.

We are now enjoying townhouse life in the city, and I also grew up in a large city.

I have a bit of horse experience from volunteering at a therapeutic riding farm. We both taught English at a University in China. We just started travelling about seventeen years ago, and love it.

I'm very diligent about following homeowners' instructions and keeping pets comfortably in their routines and giving them affection and care.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
James (Jim), 73 Jahre alt, Retired Apartment Complex Manager, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Rita l.

Ojochal, Costa Rica - Juni 2017

Millie is so awesome! I can't have enough words to describe how well she looked after our home, and animals! She sent frequent updates, and communicated happenings! I have never felt so comfortable with someone staying in my home, and looking after my property! I highly recommend this amazing woman and her husband! Millie rocks!

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