Chris B.

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Hésingue, Grand Est, France


Über Chris B.

45 Jahre alt | Ecologist

We are a couple in our early 40s with two girls. We are British, and moved to Alsace after living in California for 5 years. We have a labradoodle, 2 cats and 6 chickens.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Helen, 43 Jahre alt, Scientist, Ehepartner / Partner
Emily, 10 Jahre alt, Kind
Charlotte , 7 Jahre alt, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Lina n.

Paris, France - April 2023

We absolutely loved this sit. The house we stayed is separated from the main house. It’s newly renovated, modern, clean and tidy with all the amenities. There’s a big garden and space for children to run and bike. The stars of the sit are 1 dog, 2 cats, 4 fish and 6 chickens, sounds a lot, but no worries, they are all well trained, well behaved and easy to take care of. They won’t disturb you at all during the night. Holly the dog is very sweet and obedient. Chris and Helen are nice, thoughtful and generous. Their daughters, Emily and Charlotte are as hospitable as their parents. My children had a great time with them and want to stay longer to play with them. I would love to sit for Chris and Helen again, I highly recommend this sit to others!

Sin man l.

Paris, France - August 2021

Their home is very nice and quiet, with swimming pool, children s books, lovely and easy pets. My kids want to stay in the house forever. It is 10 min drive to Basel , and there are many hikes / walks / castles nearby . The host is very friendly and happy to provide us with every thing we need for our time at their house. This is our first house sitting experience and we are over the moon with our nice experience .

Logement de Chris B.

Grand Est, France

2 Katzen - 1 Hund

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 2 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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