Lina n.

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Paris, Île-de-France, France


Über Lina n.

44 Jahre alt | Human Resources Management

We are a family of four: a couple with 2 young children.

We are a French Vietnamese family. We live in Paris. I work in human resources and my husband is an engineer. We love travelling and meeting new friends. We've several pet/house sitting experiences.

I love cats and fish. I was lucky to live in a countryside house and was surrounded by different animals when I was young. I had dogs, cats, rabbits, fishes, turtles, chickens and ducks ,but now we don't have that much time and space for little animals. I can see my children are kind to animals. I think this is a good opportunity for us, especially for my children to spend times with little animals, learn how to take care of them and respect them.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Alexis, 49 Jahre alt, Engineer, Ehepartner / Partner
Victor, 8 Jahre alt, Child, Kind
Sophia, 6 Jahre alt, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Chinesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Chris B.

Hésingue, France - April 2023

Lina and her family were excellent house sitters who took very good care of our property and pets alike. Lina took time upon arrival to make sure that she understood our pets requirements and sent regular updates about our pets while we were away. I would recommend Lina and her family for house and pet sitting and would definitely welcome them back!

Muriel l.

Clermont-Ferrand, France - Mai 2022

It was pleasure to host and meet Lina's family! We all had a fabulous time together and they took great care of our kitties and our home. They gave us frequent news and felt at ease to ask questions to make sure they did everything right. The kids were very kind to our cats, I could tell Marius & Lia had a great time with them! We came home to a sparkling clean and tidy house, and they even left some food for our return. We highly recommend Lina, Alexis, Victor & Sophia!


November 2021

I recommend Lina and her family without hesitation. Lina is very nice and her 2 children are polite and well behaved. The stay went very well. Our kitten and fish are in great shape and our apartment is very clean. It even looks brighter than before! Thank you !

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