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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Alicia

43 Jahre alt | Remote | Allein

I was a member of Rotary, which began just before the First World War. I was attracted to that organization because at a time when many were manifesting the worst, they were manifesting the best—a world of peace. ☮️ As Will Rogers said, "A stranger is just a friend I haven't met yet."

Mature, Quiet, nonsmoker 🚭 Plant 🌱 and Pet 🐾 lover

🌟 All star reviews on every platform. For over twenty years I hosted travelers including exchange students and Rotary. ☮️ Excellent references. Bonded & insured. If you don't have reviews here, please share your reviews too, so I have the same reassurance. Thanks!

Love long sits but open to short based on availability. Let's video 👩‍💻 to meet, tour and confirm. 🗓️

If your sit dates are hot 🥵 dates, please have A/C ❄️ Thanks 🙏 my last computer 💻 burned 😵 too many days over 27°C (80°F).

For another language I use Google Translate -- automatic translation on Google Chrome for this website.

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Alfonso O.

Medellín, Colombia - Januar 2024

Alicia fue excelente cuidado a mis gatos, peces y plantas muy bien, el apartamento se encontraba ordenado y todo muy bien cuidado, era mi primera vez con normador y estoy muy contento, lo volvería hacer, una persona muy alegre, interesada por su trabajo, pude estar tranquilo durante todo mi viaje. Espero puedan tener esa gran experiencia.

Nohl M.

United States - April 2023

Alicia is a gem. How fortunate we are to have had her stay with our kitty cat. She immediately made a good connection with her and kept us updated with some great photos along with updates, which we really appreciate. Our home was so clean and beautiful upon arrival. She had the bed made to perfection, even better than arrival. Room was spotless. Cat was so happy and had been given a lot of attention. We hope to have Alicia back again.

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