Alfonso O.

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Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Alfonso O.

27 Jahre alt | Enfermero | Als Familie

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
| Spanisch | Portugiesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Vancouver, Canada - Januar 2024

Medellín Magic and Feline Friends: A House-Sitting Dream Forget pet-sitting, this was a pure Colombian adventure! Alfonso's Medellín apartment wasn't just a place to stay, it was a portal to vibrant city life, breathtaking vistas, and, of course, two of the most adorable cats I've ever met. Purrfect Pals: Bmo y Anúbis, Alfonso's feline family, stole my heart from the moment I met their fluffy faces. They purred their way into my lap, and filled the apartment with endless entertainment. The fish tanks, serene aquatic worlds, was another highlight of the house. Maintaining was a simple yet rewarding task, and watching the colorful fish gracefully glide through the water added a tranquil ambiance to the apartment. Hospitality Aficionado: Alfonso, however, is the real superstar. He welcomed me with open arms, a home full of Colombian treats, and endless recommendations for exploring Medellín. We sipped coffee, and enjoyed mountains with breathtaking panoramas. His genuine warmth and infectious enthusiasm made me feel like a friend, not just a guest. A True Connection: Leaving was bittersweet. Saying goodbye to Bmo y Anúbis felt like hugging family, and promising Alfonso a stay in my own home someday wasn't just a courtesy, it was a genuine longing. More than just a house-sit, this was a friendship forged in fish food, feline cuddles, and Colombian magic. Alfonso, your hospitality and Medellín's vibrant charm will stay with me forever. Gracias por todo!

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