Renato b.

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Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain


Über Renato b.

43 Jahre alt | EFL Teacher

My name is Renato, and I am originally from Sao Paulo, BraziI though I live in Madrid, Spain. I work as an EFL Teacher and I have been living here in Madrid for the past 16 years. I also lived in the States for many years. I have three mini pinschers called Simba, Nalah and Casey (father, mother and daughter respectively). They are the loves of my life.

Besides spending time with them, I also love doing sports (especially swimming, cycling, CrossFit, and hiking), and going to museums, the cinema and theatre.

I also love traveling and meeting people from different countries, cultures and all walks of life as well as listening to different accents and languages even if I don't understand them. When I was a little boy, I used to spend hours daydreaming about life abroad and wondering what life was like in other parts of the planet, what kind of clothes people wore, what sort of food they ate, what time they went to bed, what their schools were like, etc. I soooo wanted to travel and discover new places.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Rachael i.

Cambridge, United Kingdom - August 2022

It was such a pleasure to look after Renato's three dogs while he was away, they are really sweet little animals and easy to care for, I was sad to say goodbye to them at the end of the sit! Renato is a very kind and considerate person, he invited me to arrive a couple of days early so that I had time to see what the dogs needed and get used everything before he left, he gave me lots of information and helpful tips, and he was always quick to answer my questions. He was having some renovation work done in his apartment before I arrived and he went above and beyond to make sure everything was clean and tidy for my stay - it's a great apartment and I was very comfortable there. He also introduced me to his neighbour who was lovely and made my time there much more sociable. All in all a great experience :)

Logement de Renato b.

Community of Madrid, Spain

3 Hunde

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