Mark m.

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Aurignac, Occitanie, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Mark m.

68 Jahre alt | Retired

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich
Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Jean-pierre r.

Montreal, Canada - Oktober 2023

Where to start to describe our guarding in Aurignac; the magnificent landscape with the Pyrenees, the sunsets or moonrises, the greenery, the flowers and now the highlight: Smokey who comes running towards us. But be careful, it limits the time for caresses, you must not overdo the good things in life! We were warmly welcomed into their beautiful home with everything we needed. They were most generous in leading us in various activities and support throughout our stay. Transportation to and from the airport was very appreciated. The village, with its shops, accessible on foot as well as several departures on marked trails. The frequency of trains to Toulouse or other destinations allows us to visit the region. We, complete strangers, were treated like old friends. Thanks Mark and Ruth!

chris D.

Amsterdam, Netherlands - April 2023

Mark and Ruth are the sweetest, kindest people . They welcomed us in their house and made sure we had every comfort and all information necessary . The few times we had a question they responded immediately . They showed us around,picked us up and brought us back to the airport and borrowed us their car. The sweetest, no doubt

Yann-Julien B.

Saint-Pôtan, France - Januar 2023

Mark et Ruth nous ont gentiment accueilli chez eux autour d'un bon repas. Ce sont des personnes très sympathiques qui ont pensé à tout pour notre confort. Nous avons eu toutes les informations nécessaires à l'oral, écrites dans un porte-vues et Mark nous a même emmené dans le village pour nous montrer les endroits importants. La communication fut agréable durant le séjour. Leur maison est un vrai cocon où chacun se sentira bien. Smokey a été vraiment adorable, il nous manque beaucoup ! Nous espérons pouvoir revenir un jour !

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